About Me

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Jarred, a gaming moniker I was given by a group of friends, is what I call it. Some of those game sessions became movie marathons. I was the one that liked sleazy horror movies, and I believe the closest one of the group members got to viewing a horror movie was Species, so he began calling me Buddy. They began to call me Rhoda as I go under the name Elijah. My moniker became my pen name and I now use it for movie reviews, blog entries, social media, and other writings. Although my taste in films tends to be more dark and sexy, I do enjoy classic and modern films. As a fan of the vintage 1980s, I engage in the geekier side of life. Other than movies, I love antique computers, 80s pop music, 80s culture, and of course, 80s horror film. I write on these and many other topics.

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The book is called Killer Instincts
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The Land of Melting Shadows
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